This OPS PC module ensures better performance for our interactive screens and digital signage solutions applications.

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Model description

This OPS PC module ensures better performance for our interactive screens and digital signage solutions applications.

With low energy consumption, this complete and compact accessory fits into a wide range of industries, such as education, advertising, digital signage, business and more.

PC with Windows 10 Operating System by SLOT easily integrated into any WIP model. This equipment provides a high processing, space, and memory upgrade to the WIP device. Allows quick access to all Microsoft services and software. It can be customized according to the needs and requirements of the project or client software (Intel I3, Intel I5, and Intel I7).

+4.700 customers who trust us

+4.700 customers who trust us

+65.000 interactive solutions implemented

+65.000 interactive solutions implemented

+25 years of experience in the market

+25 years of experience in the market

8 countries where we are present

8 countries where we are present

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